Nubtub Goes Dofollow – Get Your Free Links Here

Photo by Hamed Saber
Photo by Hamed Saber

What is Nofollow?

By default, WordPress – and most major blogging platforms – have a rel=”nofollow” attribute in the comments section. What this means is that if you post a comment and include your website, that the link will now count towards raising your search engine rankings.

By using a plugin that enables Dofollow, users are able to post a comment, with a link to their site that will count towards increase their search engine rankings.

Why use Nofollow?

The Nofollow tags exist mainly to stop spammers from posting useless comments. Also in terms of basic SEO, outbound links take some of your PageRank juice from the page, so aspiring web-domination rankers won’t want people to have control over their page’s outbound links.

While the majority of blogs still use the Nofollow attribute there has been an increasing trend towards using Dofollow. Communities such as Bumpzee are starting to spring up as bloggers are beginning to see the value in offering Dofollow.

Why Dofollow

Why then, would a blogger want to have the Nofollow attribute removed? Simple, to encourage participation and reward contribution.

Most bloggers are constantly on the looking for ways to raise their profile, increase traffic and rankings. The major source of this is quality inbound links.

Dofollow is a great way of giving something back to the community, but even if your motives are not altruistic Dofollow is a viable strategy for building your brand.

For me personally, I believe success on the internet is about adding as much value as possible for the minimum user cost. My goals for Nubtub are to write quality content that either helps people or challenges their current perspective, to increase traffic and community participation. In order to achieve these results I results I realise I need to offer as much incentive to readers as possible, that is where dofollow comes in.

What are your thoughts, Nofollow or Dofollow?

And if you answered Dofollow, is it because you want to give something back or as a tactic to grow your blog?

UPDATE – Aly from SEOAly and Pet Insurance pointed me to an even better dofollow plugin that allows you to customize and specifiy a lot of options, such as the user must comment x times before the link turns dofollow. The default was 10 but I’ve set mine to 3 :p – Thanks Aly

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9 thoughts on “Nubtub Goes Dofollow – Get Your Free Links Here

  1. Clearly, I agree with your perspective on the use of DoFollow commands within blog comments. I did the same on my blog and wrote a post on the subject a short time later entitled, Why NOFOLLOW My Comments?“.

    Thus far I have seen no increase in SPAM, as suggested by those who tried to discourage me from removing the NOFOLLOW attributes. I have, however, seen a great deal more participation from readers. While the number of repeat commentators it will result in remains to be seen, but I’m happy with the outcome so far.

    It’s all about building community…and anything you can to to encourage people to participate is a step in the right direction. Speaking of community…if you’re a blogger who uses WordPress, check out these great new plugins: Customize Your Community and Social Profiles from Rae Hoffman and Joost de Valk.

  2. Hi Aly,

    thanks for the comment – I read your post and like the plugin you use much better.
    I’ve also seen SugerRae’s CYC and am trying to set it up for another project I have going.


  3. I think DoFollow plugin is perfect one in way of making social-friendly blog (but it needs a bit more attention while moderatng comments).


  4. thanks..Dofollow is a great way of giving something back to the community, but even if your motives are not altruistic Dofollow is a viable strategy for building your brand.

  5. Hi all,

    thanks for the comments.
    Semi truck – an astute observation, your links are still nofollow. But if you read my update in the post you will see I am using a great plugin which allows you to specify the required number of comments before your links become DOFOLLOW.

    The default for the plugin is 10 but I have set my site to 3 – so 2 more comments and you’re all good :p

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